When your business is closed up during the off hours, you want the best security measures in place to protect your asset. The more common solutions businesses turn to are alarms and video surveillance. While these are great and still recommended, consider adding the element of security window film. Many people are unaware of the safety and security benefits you can get from better protecting your glass. Security films add a thin layer of brute strength to windows, which bonds the glass elements together in the event of breakage. On top of this high level of protection, the window film is also inconspicuous.

Security Window Film Can Keep Your Business Safe From Glass Break-Ins
These films are designed to prevent the glass from shattering, which makes the entry through windows or glass doors very time consuming and, in most cases, will deter would-be thieves.
24/7 Glass Security
Easy Clean-Up After Attempted Break-In
Extends Time of Entry
Can Reduce Damage Caused By Explosive Impacts
Whether your building is being robbed after hours or compromised with occupants inside, time is of the essence. Security window film will allow for more time to react, and in many cases, prevents the situation from pursuing.
Not Just for Businesses, Protect Your Home Too!
Security window films aren't just for commercial use, what better way to protect your home from burglars than reinforcing the strength of your windows. More and more homeowners are choosing to add security films to their properties as well as local schools. Safety and protection is the number one priority above all else.
Choose a Trusted Window Film Contractor in Dallas, Texas
When your top priority is the security of your building and safety of the folks inside, you need a window film installer you can trust. Since 1974, Amersol has been the leading provider of residential and commercial window films throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth area.